Password generator

Generated password, right clik and copy:

Note: It is possible to generate passwords without all checked elements (they are added as random values), if this happens, try to regenerate the password.

This password generator is intended for all normal passwords that you should not be able to memorize. In addition, you should have some relatively secure passwords, based on some rules to remember so that you know them by heart, for your browser data, for example your password for your Google account, together with 2-factor protection.

You can test the strength of the generated password at which shows what is good or bad. puts time and guesses that it will take +10,000 centuries to crack the password ΗЕpεսф[ πSyCЯjхsㅜLUæÓΑλЗoيտ XКլю (do not use it) with a brute force attack, from a "regular" computer.

In comparison, the password )1HorseAnd2Cows( will be cracked faster than the time it takes "to come back from a short walk", even though it is rated as a strong password that meets the right criteria according to, since it is "long" and contains characters, numbers, small and capital letters, but it consists of compound words that can be found in a dictionary.

Places where you need to use your generated password may place restrictions on, for example, length and use of characters and other alphabets, adjust the generator to follow these guidelines. The more selected, the more secure the password, but a challenge can be that it is difficult to enter individual characters on a mobile phone. Here you can copy from saved passwords in your browser.

© The source code for this password generator is Open Source and can be found on my GitHub, the generated codes are generated locally on your own computer and therefore not sent over the Internet.

How to:

  • Save your passwords in your browser and have them sync to the cloud/internet so you can recover your passwords. In Firefox, you can add one primary/master password to protect your passwords.
  • It is safer to store your passwords in a "wallet", for example KeePass, in relation to saving your passwords in your browser. The browser's built-in password manager will seem more integrated, but unfortunately not as secure. It is a bit of a hassle to synchronize passwords on several devices, using KeePass, as the database must be on a cloud drive. Here I would recommend a paid password wallet.
  • Do NOT reuse passwords, if you save your passwords in your browser, you don't have to remember them in your head or on a piece of paper.
  • Use 2-factor authentication if possible so that others cannot use your password without, for example, access to your phone or email account.
  • Do not use words or compound words that can be found in a password dictionary.
  • Do not use websites that can send your password to you if you have forgotten it, as they store your password in clear text.
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